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Limited edition cigars are exclusive products that appeal to lovers of quality puros. These cigars are made in limited, numbered quantities, often using specific production techniques. They offer connoisseurs a unique and unforgettable experience.
These exclusive products are often presented in numbered boxes. They are produced to celebrate a special event, such as an anniversary, or to promote an exceptional region or terroir. They require the selection of the finest tobaccos and exceptional expertise on the part of the manufacturers.
There are several categories of limited edition cigars, such as :
Cigars edicion limitada (limited editions), which are Cuban cigars produced with tobaccos aged for at least two years. These cigars generally have a different module to the brand's usual range.
Cigars edicion regional (regional or country editions), which are Cuban cigars produced exclusively for a specific market. These cigars generally have a different module from the brand's usual range.
Humidors edicion limitada (limited editions of humidors), which are luxury humidors containing exceptional cigars. These humidors are often decorated with artistic or historical motifs.
Jarres special edition (also limited production), which are ceramic or porcelain containers holding exceptional cigars. These jars are often inspired by old or traditional models.
Book Habanos (cigar boxes in the format of a ledger containing exceptional cigars, produced in limited editions; most of the time, the books are also numbered).
Opting for a limited edition cigar means indulging yourself:
Quality: these cigars are produced with the finest tobaccos and undergo extremely rigorous quality control to provide the best experience for cigar smokers: optimal combustion, solid ash, a perfect balance of flavour and strength and an exceptional aromatic profile. Excellent craftsmanship and quality products make the difference for a unique and memorable taste experience.
Complexity: The limited editions are an invitation to a rich and diverse taste journey, thanks to the careful selection of top-quality tobaccos. They offer a unique and evolving tasting experience that is sure to surprise puro lovers. The aromatic complexity is a real treat for the senses and an incomparable pleasure for connoisseurs.
Exclusivity: These are exclusive, rare and precious products, numbered and produced in limited quantities. They are highly prized by aficionados and collectors. These cigars are hard to find on the market and their rarity gives them a unique and precious character.
Are you looking for quality, rare and original cigars? Look no further than! Since 2007, we have specialised in the sale of exceptional limited edition cigars. We offer you personalised service and advice, fast and free shipping for orders over CHF 300, a guarantee of authenticity and rigorous quality control.
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