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The enjoyment of a Cuban cigar can awaken all the senses. A warm, silky sensation is felt when it touches your lips. After careful lighting, the first puff releases a full-bodied, elaborate scent, revealing hints of various aromas such as wood, leather, earth, coffee, chocolate, dried fruit and even pepper. The smoke has a pleasant roundness and balance, gently caressing your palate and throat. The unique, authentic taste of Cuban tobacco is the fruit of exceptional terroir and ancestral know-how.
Cuban cigars are reputed to be the best cigars on the market, and for good reason. For more than 300 years, tobacco growing has been part of Cuba's history and has become an emblematic activity of the country. Cuban cigars are made from high-quality tobacco and with great care and attention, making them unique and unrivalled. Indeed, it has been estimated that it takes more than a hundred steps to properly make a Cuban cigar.
Cuba's cigar industry is under direct government regulation, ensuring that every cigar is of the highest possible quality. Cuban cigars are also known for their full-bodied aroma and authentic taste, which inexperienced smokers may not always appreciate. Cuban cigars are not just a luxury product, they are a true work of art.
Cuba supplies 80% of the world's premium cigar market, except in the United States, which bans Cuban imports as part of a trade embargo originally created to overthrow the communist regime. Cuban cigars are sold in many countries, including Mexico and Canada, as well as online.
In addition to their exceptional quality, Cuban cigars have a rich and fascinating history. Since their creation, they have been associated with Cuban culture, its traditions and its artists. Cuban cigars have also played an important role in international history, as a symbol of rebellion against oppression and injustice.
In short, Cuban cigars are an integral part of Cuban culture and history. They are made from high-quality tobacco with great care and attention, making them unique and unbeatable. Cuban cigars are sold in many countries, but their exceptional quality is guaranteed by direct government regulation of the Cuban cigar industry. Beyond their quality, Cuban cigars have a rich and fascinating history that makes them even more special.
Each Cuban cigar in our collection is carefully selected to guarantee an incomparable smoking experience. Cuban tobacco is world-renowned for its rich aroma, intense flavour and superior quality. Our Cuban cigars embody the tradition and expertise of generations of Cuban torcedores (cigar rollers). By choosing our cigars, you are opting for an authentic and exceptional product that bears witness to Cuba's history and cultural heritage. Our range of Cuban cigars reflects the diversity of flavours and profiles that the island has to offer. From the earthy, robust notes of the Vuelta Abajo regions to the sweeter, more aromatic nuances of tobaccos from the eastern part of Cuba, each cigar offers a distinct palette of flavours. Whether you prefer a light, floral cigar or a full-bodied, complex cigar, our collection of Cuban cigars will satisfy your desires.
Por Larrañaga cigars
Discover the fascinating history of Por Larrañaga cigars, an iconic brand of Cuban cigars dating back to 1834. Made with premium tobacco and meticulous attention to detail, these cigars offer a subtle taste with hints of nuts and spices.
Ramon Allones cigars
Ramon Allones is an iconic brand of Cuban cigars that has stood the test of time since its creation in 1837. With a full-bodied taste and spicy aroma, these cigars are appreciated by experienced smokers for their exceptional quality. Let yourself be transported back in time and discover why Ramon Allones cigars are still so popular today.
Punch cigars
Punch cigars are a brand of Cuban cigars created in 1840. They are renowned for their intense flavour and spicy aroma, with notes of wood and leather. In addition to their exceptional quality, Punch cigars have a fascinating history dating back to the Cuban revolution of 1895. These cigars have been a popular choice for Cuban cigar lovers for over 180 years.
H.Upmann cigars
H.Upmann cigars are renowned for their complex flavour and subtle aroma, with notes of walnut and leather. They are made from the finest tobacco and are appreciated by experienced smokers for their rich taste. This Cuban cigar brand was founded in 1844 and is one of the oldest in Cuba, with a rich history and tradition reflected in every cigar.
Partagas Cigars
Founded in Havana in 1845, Partagas is an iconic Cuban cigar brand. Their history is rich and exciting, with deep roots in the culture and traditions of Cuba. Partagas cigars are made with high quality tobacco and are known for their full-bodied taste. If you're looking for a Cuban cigar with a strong personality and rich history, Partagas cigars are a perfect choice.
Sancho Panza cigars
Sancho Panza cigars are known for their smooth, subtle taste with notes of caramel and nuts. This brand of Cuban cigars was founded in 1852 and is appreciated for its exceptional quality and distinctive aroma. Sancho Panza cigars are considered a reliable choice for those looking for a premium Cuban cigar with a milder taste.
Hoyo de Monterrey cigars
Hoyo de Monterrey cigars are like a road trip to South America: they smell like adventure and take you on a journey. These Cuban cigars are known for their rich, spicy flavour, with hints of nuts and leather. If you're an experienced smoker looking for a cigar with a strong personality, Hoyo de Monterrey cigars are for you.
Romeo y Julieta cigars
Romeo y Julieta is a brand of Cuban cigars created in 1875. These cigars have a mild, subtle flavour, with hints of nuts. They are appreciated by novice and experienced cigar smokers alike for their exceptional quality and distinctive aroma.
Juan López cigars
Juan López cigars are renowned for their full-bodied flavour and spicy aroma, with notes of cocoa and coffee. This brand of Cuban cigars was founded in 1876 and is appreciated by experienced smokers for its exceptional quality. Juan López cigars are an excellent choice for those looking for a Cuban cigar with a strong, intense flavour.
El Rey Del Mundo cigars
El Rey Del Mundo cigars are smooth, subtle and unique. With notes of caramel and nuts, they are perfect for smokers looking for a lighter Cuban cigar. If you're looking for a Cuban cigar with a smooth, subtle personality, El Rey Del Mundo cigars are for you.
Jose L.Piedra cigars
Jose L. Piedra cigars are a more affordable option for those looking for a Cuban cigar. But make no mistake, they remain a quality product with a full-bodied flavour and solid construction. If you're looking to discover Cuban cigars without breaking the bank, Jose L. Piedra cigars are a great option.
Bolivar cigars
Bolivar cigars are renowned for their strong, full-bodied flavour, with distinctive notes of spice. This brand of Cuban cigars was created in 1901 and is one of the most popular and appreciated by experienced smokers. Bolivar cigars are an excellent option for those looking for a top-quality Cuban cigar with an intense and stimulating taste.
Montecristo cigars
Montecristo cigars are the perfect choice for smokers looking for a thrill. With their full-bodied taste and intense aroma, these cigars are like an adventurous journey into the Cuban mountains where tobacco is grown. Take a puff and let yourself be carried away by the notes of leather and spices that will take you on a journey through the wilds of Cuba. Montecristo cigars are a safe choice for experienced smokers looking for a bold and memorable smoking experience.
Quintero cigars
Discover the Cuban brand Quintero, created in 1924 by Agustin Quintero and his brother. Quintero cigars are renowned for their full-bodied flavour and intense aroma, with hints of cocoa. Made from the finest tobacco, these cigars are an authentic and exciting experience for Cuban cigar lovers.
Cohiba cigars
Cohiba is a brand of Cuban cigars created in 1966 for Fidel Castro. Originally reserved for Cuban government dignitaries, it quickly became the benchmark for top-of-the-range cigars. Cohiba cigars have a complex flavour with notes of nuts, spices and leather. Discover the elegance and exclusivity of this unique brand.
Cohiba Linea 1492
The Cohiba Linea 1492 is a true marvel for lovers of Cuban cigars. Created in 1992 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the discovery of Cuba by Christopher Columbus, this range is made up of exceptional cigars, made from the highest quality tobacco and aged for several years.
Cuaba cigars
Cuaba cigars are a relatively new brand of Cuban cigars, created in 1996. But make no mistake, their exceptional quality and unique taste have quickly catapulted them to the forefront of the market. Inspired by the old habits of the colonial era, the shape of these rectangular cigars is a real feast for the eyes. If you're looking for a different and exciting smoking experience, Cuaba cigars are for you.
Vegas Robaina cigars
Vegas Robaina is a brand of Cuban cigars named after a highly respected family of tobacco growers in Cuba. The cigars are made with premium tobacco and aged for several years to give each cigar a rich, complex flavour. Discover the fascinating history of Vegas Robaina through every puff of these iconic cigars.
Enjoy the simplicity of buying cigars from our online shop. In just a few clicks, from the comfort of your own home, you'll have direct access to the best Cuban cigars. We also offer essential accessories for storing and enjoying your cigars in the best possible conditions. In our online shop, you'll find humidors to maintain the ideal humidity and temperature for your cigars. We also offer cigar cutters to prepare your cigars before lighting them.
When exploring the world of Cuban cigars, it's essential to determine your personal tastes in terms of strength and flavour. Whether you're drawn to mild cigars with notes of vanilla and caramel, or prefer the robustness of leather and earthy aromas, each Cuban cigar offers a unique experience. Understanding the different formats, from small robusto to churchill, is crucial as it affects smoking time and flavour development. Novices can opt for milder cigars to get started, while aficionados can opt for more full-bodied and complex options. Our detailed advice on the right cut, lighting techniques and how to smoke your cigar will help you get the most out of it. What's more, we'll guide you through optimal storage methods, highlighting the importance of humidors and humidors in keeping your precious Cuban cigars in ideal conditions. Following this guide will enrich your experience, from the careful selection of your Cuban cigar to its tasting, ensuring unforgettable moments of pleasure.
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