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Dominican cigars are reputed to be among the best in the world. They are made from tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic, a country with an ideal climate and fertile soil for this plant. Dominican cigars are distinguished by their mild, aromatic flavour, complex aroma and quality of manufacture. In this article, we'll take a look at the characteristics, history and most famous brands of these exceptional cigars.
A Dominican cigar is made up of three parts: the wrapper, the binder and the filler. The wrapper, which gives the cigar its visual appearance, is the outer leaf. The binder reinforces the cigar's structure and contributes to its combustion. The filler, which is the heart of the cigar, is the mixture of chopped tobacco leaves that determines the cigar's strength and flavour. What makes Dominican cigars so unique is that all these parts are produced from tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic, giving them their own identity and homogeneity.
Dominican cigars are made from tobacco that is harvested by hand from fields in the Dominican Republic. The tobacco leaves are then dried, fermented and aged in humid cellars for several years. This process develops the flavours and reduces the bitterness of the tobacco. Dominican cigars are hand-rolled by expert torcedores. The torcedores use wooden moulds to give the cigars their cylindrical shape, then cut and glue them with a vegetable gum. The cigars are then placed in wooden or metal boxes, called humidors, which maintain the optimum humidity level for their preservation.
There are more than 600 cigar factories in the Dominican Republic, producing millions of cigars every year. Among the most famous brands are :
Arturo Fuente: founded in 1912 by Arturo Fuente, a Cuban immigrant, this Dominican cigar brand is one of the oldest and most prestigious in the country. It offers high-quality cigars made with selected, aged tobaccos. Its best-known ranges are the Fuente Fuente Opus X, the Don Carlos and the Hemingway.
Zino: created in 1986 by Zino Davidoff, the son of the founder of the famous Davidoff brand, this brand is dedicated to modern, cosmopolitan smokers. It produces elegant, refined cigars that combine the quality of Dominican tobacco with the finesse of Ecuadorian wrappers. Its most popular lines are Zino Platinum, Zino Classic and Zino Nicaragua.
Casa Magna: launched in 2008 by Manuel Quesada, a Dominican master torcedor, and Nestor Plasencia, a Nicaraguan tobacco producer, this brand is the fruit of an exceptional collaboration between two cigar experts. It offers robust, flavoursome cigars that showcase the terroir and diversity of Nicaraguan tobacco. Its best-known ranges are Casa Magna Colorado, Casa Magna Oscuro and Casa Magna D. Magnus II.
La Aurora: founded in 1903 by Eduardo León Jimenes, a Dominican entrepreneur, this brand is the oldest in the country. It offers traditional, authentic cigars that reflect Dominican history and culture. Its most popular series are the La Aurora 1903 Edition, the La Aurora Preferidos and the La Aurora 107.
La Flor Dominicana: founded in 1996 by Litto Gomez, a former Dominican jeweller, this brand is one of the most innovative and daring in the country. It makes powerful, intense cigars, distinguished by their original shape and presentation. Its most outstanding collections are the La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero, the La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull and the La Flor Dominicana Air Bender.
If you're a cigar lover, you'll certainly appreciate the quality Dominican cigars we offer in our online shop. We have a wide selection of cigars of all brands, formats and countries of origin, including Cuban, Honduran, Nicaraguan and, of course, Dominican.
We also provide you with the accessories you need to store and enjoy your cigars in the best possible conditions, such as humidors to maintain the ideal humidity and temperature, and cigar cutters to prepare your cigars before lighting them.
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