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Honduran cigars are among the most popular with cigar aficionados the world over. They are distinguished by their quality, flavour and history. Find out what makes Honduran cigars special, where they come from and how they are made, as well as the best ways to enjoy them and buy them online.
Honduran cigars are reputed to be spicier than other Central American cigars. They have a moderate to strong strength, which varies according to brand and module. They offer a rich and complex aromatic palette, combining notes of wood, leather, earth, coffee, chocolate, dried fruit and pepper.
The hanging valleys of Honduras are home to the tobaccos used to make Honduran cigars. These tobaccos benefit from an ideal climate and fertile soil, giving them a unique flavour and a rich aroma. The main producing regions are Copan, Cucuyagua and San Juan de Opoa. Honduran cigars mainly use havanensis seeds, which are derived from Cuban tobacco and give Honduran cigars a certain kinship with Cuban cigars.
The history of Honduran cigars dates back to pre-Columbian times, when the Mayans used Copaneco, the local tobacco, for their religious and medicinal rituals. The Spanish conquistadores discovered the potential of Honduran tobacco and began exporting it to Europe in the 16th century.
Honduran tobacco has gone through some difficult periods in its history, notably as a result of civil wars, disease and competition from other producing countries. It wasn't until the 1970s that Honduran tobacco enjoyed a new lease of life, thanks to the introduction of havanensis seeds and the creation of the La Flor de Copan factory, which is now the largest in the country.
Honduran cigars are made following a rigorous, traditional process involving several stages: growing the tobacco, harvesting the leaves, drying, fermenting, sorting, roasting, rolling and wrapping. Each stage is carried out with care and expertise by experienced master torcedores.
Are you a cigar enthusiast looking for an online shop that offers a wide selection of quality cigars? In our online shop, you'll find cigars from all countries, of all brands and in all formats. Whether you're looking for Cuban, Dominican, Honduran or Nicaraguan cigars, you'll find what you're looking for on our site.
In addition to cigars, we also offer the accessories you need to store and enjoy your cigars in the best possible conditions. In our online shop, you'll find cigar humidors, which allow you to maintain the ideal humidity and temperature for your cigars. You'll also find cigar cutters to help you prepare your cigars before lighting them.
Try to search our catalog, you may find what you are looking for!