Honduran cigars

Honduran cigars Honduran cigars are among the most popular with cigar aficionados the world over. They are distinguished by their quality, flavour and history. Find out what makes Honduran cigars special, where they come from and how they are...Lire la suite

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Cavalier Genève Lancero

Cavalier Genève Lancero

Honduran cigars

Cavalier Genève Lancero

Cabinet of 20 cigars or per unit

done_outlineStrength : Medium

done_outlineAroma : Fungus

Price CHF215.00 TTC
Cavalier Genève Diplomate

Cavalier Genève Diplomate

Honduran cigars

Cavalier Genève Diplomate

Cabinet of 20 cigars or per unit

done_outlineStrength : Medium

done_outlineAroma : Fungus

Price CHF330.00 TTC
Flor de Selva Churchill

Flor de Selva Churchill

Honduran cigars

Flor de Selva Churchill

Box of 25 cigars

done_outlineStrength : Light

done_outlineAroma : Fungus

Price CHF289.00 TTC