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Nicaraguan cigars are reputed to be among the best in the world. They are made from tobacco grown in Nicaragua, a country with an ideal climate and fertile soil for this plant. Nicaraguan cigars are distinguished by their robust flavour and aromatic complexity, offering exceptional manufacturing quality. In this article, we present the characteristics, history and most famous brands of these exceptional cigars.
The history of Nicaraguan cigars began in the 1960s, marking the beginning of Nicaragua's recognition as an ideal place for growing tobacco, thanks to its fertile climate and soil. Despite the challenges posed by the political turmoil of the following decades, the industry persevered and discovered regions such as Estelí, with its rich volcanic soils, ideal for producing tobacco with intense aromas. The rebirth of the industry in the 1990s was propelled by innovation and improvements in growing and manufacturing techniques, establishing Nicaragua as a leading producer on the world stage. Today, Nicaraguan cigars are recognised for their superior quality, symbolising the resilience and excellence of a nation that has established itself as an essential reference point in the world of cigars.
A Nicaraguan cigar is made up of three parts: the wrapper, the binder and the filler. The wrapper, which gives the cigar its attractive visual appearance, is the outer leaf. The binder helps maintain the cigar's structure and contributes to uniform combustion. The filler, the heart of the cigar, is a blend of chopped tobacco leaves that define the cigar's strength and flavour. The distinctive feature of Nicaraguan cigars is that all these components come from tobacco grown in Nicaragua, giving them a unique identity and homogeneity.
Nicaraguan cigars are made from tobacco harvested by hand in Nicaraguan fields. The leaves are then dried, fermented and aged in humid cellars for several years. This process develops the depth of flavour and reduces the bitterness of the tobacco. The cigars are hand-rolled by expert torcedores, who use wooden moulds to shape the cigars before finishing them with vegetable glue. Finally, the cigars are stored in wooden or metal boxes, called humidors, to maintain optimum humidity levels.
Nicaragua is home to many cigar factories, producing millions of cigars every year. Here are some of the most famous brands:
Horacio: The Horacio brand was born in 2008 from the passion of three French epicureans and offers several ranges from Nicaragua (Classic Line, Maduro Line and Edicion Especial) and a range of cigars from Costa Rica (Heritage Line). A unique taste experience and a must-have for all aficionados.
Padron: Founded in 1964, Padron is famous for its rich, complex cigars, made exclusively from aged Nicaraguan tobaccos.
My Father Cigars : Launched by Don Pepin Garcia, this brand is known for its full-flavoured cigars and its exceptional mastery of the art of rolling.
Oliva : Oliva Cigar Co. produces high-quality Nicaraguan cigars, appreciated for their impeccable construction and balanced flavour profiles.
Joya de Nicaragua : As Nicaragua's oldest cigar factory, Joya de Nicaragua offers cigars that reflect the richness of the Nicaraguan terroir.
If you're a cigar aficionado, you're sure to find what you're looking for in our selection of quality Nicaraguan cigars in our online store. We offer a vast choice of cigars of all brands, formats and countries of origin, including Cuban, Honduran, Nicaraguan and, of course, Dominican.
We also provide the accessories you need to store and enjoy your cigars in the best possible conditions, such as humidors to maintain ideal humidity and temperature, and cigar cutters to prepare your cigars before lighting them.
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