Dominican cigars
Gilbert de Montsalvat Signature Robusto
Box of 12 cigars or per unit
The Gilbert de Montsalvat Signature cigar is a masterpiece signed Eladio Diaz. Eladio Diaz is a pillar of the cigar world. He started in the tobacco industry as a young man and worked at Tabadom since the 1980s, where he was responsible for production and quality control at Davidoff until his retirement in 2022. Eladio gained great notoriety for creating the Davidoff Oro Blanco, which brought him worldwide fame.
The Gilbert de Montsalvat Signature Robusto cigar bears the full signature of Eladio Diaz. This blend of six different tobaccos, all grown in the Dominican Republic, is what we call a puro. A classic Dominican cigar with light to medium strength. Constructed and produced with the highest care, it has a surprising sweetness associated with notes of coffee and roasted bean aromas, added with light touches of bitter almonds. The full-bodied smoke volume perfectly completes this blend. This is an outstanding cigar for an outstanding moment.
Gilbert de Montsalvat Signature Robusto cigars are available by unit and in boxes of 12 cigars.
Data sheet