Dominican cigars
Davidoff Year of the Snake Limited Edition 2025
Box of 10 cigars or per unit
The Davidoff Year of the Snake Limited Edition 2025 Lancero cigar celebrates the Year of the Snake in the Chinese zodiac, embodying elegance and complexity. Symbolizing grace and sophistication, the Snake is distinguished by its passion, energy and quick wit. In 2025, this sign adopts the color yellow, strengthening its intuition and guiding it towards unique success. The Lancero cigar will be a perfect celebration for Snake natives who love refined pleasures.
The aromatic profile of this exclusive blend, a first in the Davidoff collection, reveals notes of lemon, leather, and coffee. This limited edition marks an ideal entry into a new cycle. The Dominican San Vicente and Mexican Negro San Andrés tobaccos used for the filler awaken the palate with tangy and salty sensations, offering refreshing, citrusy touches. This innovative blend is distinguished by rare tobaccos: for the second time, Davidoff uses Mexican tobacco, and for the first time, a hybrid Dominican 98 seed from the Martin Garcia terroir, adding soft and creamy notes. The Ecuadorian wrapper and binder elegantly balance the blend.
Recalling the Churchill "Snake" cigar of 2013, the long and slender Lancero format perfectly captures the Snake’s silhouette. This format, prized for its refinement, embodies the graceful character of this sign.
The limited-edition "Year of the Snake 2025" is presented in a wooden box containing ten cigars, reflecting the Snake’s nature: understated and elegant on the outside, but promising an intense experience within. A removable wooden frame enhances the opening experience and reveals exclusive details, including a secondary red band with a yellow accent, symbols of luck and prosperity in Chinese culture. This edition is strictly limited to 4,200 boxes worldwide.
You can buy Davidoff Year of the Snake 2025 Limited Edition Lancero cigar by unit or in boxes of 10 cigars, according to your preferences and your budget. Enjoy our online shop to order your favorite vitola easily!
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